4. Governance and Administration

Attendance at meetings


The FRC held four meetings in 2015–16 in September, November, March and June. Members’ attendance is shown in the table below:

Member No. meetings attended / No. eligible to attend
B Edge (Chairman) 4 of 4
R Barker 1 of 1
R Burrows 0 of 1
J Callaway 1 of 1
M Coleman 2 of 2
M Coughlin 1 of 1
J Downes 1 of 1
S Helgeby 3 of 3
N Kelleher 1 of 1
M Kelsall 4 of 4
K Lewis 3 of 4
D Nicol 2 of 4
K Peach 4 of 4
G Mitchell 3 of 4


FRC Nominations Committee

The FRC Nominations Committee held 4 meetings in 2015–16. Members of the FRC Nominations Committee as at 30 June 2016 are: Stein Helgeby (Chair), Bill Edge, Jackie Callaway, Judith Downes, Merran Kelsall and Kris Peach.

Members’ attendance is shown in the table below:

Member No. meetings attended / No. eligible to attend
B Edge* 3 of 4
M Coleman 1 of 3
M Coughlin* 3 of 3
S Helgeby* 2 of 4
M Kelsall* 4 of 4
K Peach* 3 of 4
*Also conducted interviews during October for the boards

FRC Audit Quality Committee

The FRC Audit Quality Committee held two meetings in 2015–16. The membership of the FRC Audit Quality Committee is currently being considered.

Members’ attendance is shown in the table below:

Member No. meetings attended / No. eligible to attend
B Edge 2 of 2
R Burrows 1 of 1
M Coleman 2 of 2
M Kelsall 2 of 2


Communication and consultation

The FRC uses its website (www.frc.gov.au) and meetings with stakeholders and other interest groups as its primary means of communication and consultation. Reports of each FRC meeting are published on the website. The website also includes information about FRC members, minutes of past meetings, published reports and procedural rules.


Government provided funding through the Treasury to support the FRC. The FRC’s Secretariat is provided by staff of the Treasury’s Markets Group. Expenditures and performance of its functions are included in the Treasury’s annual financial statements.

Funding of the AASB and AUASB (including the sources of that funding) is included in the annual reports of the AASB and AUASB.

Freedom of information

Since 1 May 2011, agencies subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) have been required to publish information to the public as part of the Information Publication Scheme. This requirement is in Part II of the FOI Act and has replaced the former requirement to publish a section 8 statement in an annual report. All information published by the FRC can be accessed from links on the home page of the FRC’s website (www.frc.gov.au).

The FRC did not receive any applications for access to documents under the FOI Act during 2015–16.

Regulatory Impact Statements

The FRC did not submit any Regulatory Impact Statements in 2015–16.