Appendix B - Attendance at Meetings

Financial Reporting Council

The FRC held three meetings during 2014-15. Members' attendance is shown in the table below:

  Number of meetings
Members Eligible to attend Attended Apologies
M Coleman (Deputy Chair) 3 3  
R Barker 3 2 1
R Burrows 3 3  
M Coughlin 3 3  
W Edge 3 3  
J Harris 2 0 2
S Helgeby 3 2 1
N Kelleher 3 3  
M Kelsall 3 2 1
I Laughlin 3 3  
K Lewis 3 3  
D Nicol 3 2 1
K Peach 2 2  
J Price 3 2 1
I Purchas 3 3  
G Mitchell 3 3  

FRC Nominations Committee

The FRC Nominations Committee held five meetings in 2014-15. Members of the Committee as at 30 June 2015 are: Mark Coughlin (Chair), Michael Coleman, Bill Edge, Kris Peach, Andrew Fleming, Stein Helgeby and Merran Kelsall. Attendance is shown in the table below:

  Number of meetings/interviews
Members Eligible to attend Attended Apologies
M Coughlin (Chair) 5 4 1
M Coleman (FRC Deputy Chair) 5 4 1
W Edge 5 4 1
A Fleming 2 2  
S Helgeby 5 4 1
M Kelsall 5 5  
K Peach 1 1  
A Thomson 4 4  

FRC Audit Quality Committee

The Audit Quality Committee held three meetings in 2014-15. Members of the Committee as at 30 June 2015 are: Michael Coleman (Chair), Roger Burrows, Mark Coughlin, Bill Edge, John Price, Merran Kelsall and Ian Laughlin.

These members' attendance is shown in the table below:

  Number of meetings
Members Eligible to attend Attended Apologies
M Coleman (Chair) 3 3  
R Burrows 3 1 2
M Coughlin 3 3  
W Edge 2 1 1
J Price 3 3  
M Kelsall 3 3  
I Laughlin 3 2 1

Strategic Planning Committee

The Strategic Planning Committee held one formal meeting in 2014-15 to discuss the relevance of the 2013-16 Strategic Plan. This work is ongoing. Members of the Committee as at 30 June 2015 are: Michael Coleman (FRC Chair), Merran Kelsall, Ian Laughlin and Kevin Lewis.

These members' attendance is shown in the table below:

  Number of meetings
Members Eligible to attend Attended Apologies
M Coleman (FRC Chair) 1 1  
M Kelsall 1 1  
I Laughlin 1 1  
K Lewis 1 1  


Financial Reporting Taskforce

The Financial Reporting Taskforce held two meetings in 2014-15 to finalise their report. Members of the Taskforce were: Ross Barker (Chair), Andrew Fleming, Merran Kelsall, Ian Laughlin, Ian Purchas, Kris Peach and Kevin Stevenson.

The non-FRC members of were Kevin Neville (Director and Head of External Audit and Assurance Division, Moore Stephens) and Susan Pascoe (Commissioner of the Australian Charities and Not for-profits Commission). Margot Le Bars, partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers and Masha Marchev, senior accountant at PricewaterhouseCoopers, also attended meetings as required.

Sub-committee on Regulatory Impact Statements

The Sub-committee on Regulatory Impact Statements met twice in 2014-15. The members were Michael Coleman (Chair), Kris Peach, Roger Burrows, Angus Thompson (non-FRC member), Paul McCullough (Treasury), Diane Brown (Treasury). Its work is now completed.

Integrated Reporting Committee/Public Sector Committee

These committees did not meet during 2014-15.